The aim of the Journal of Social Insurance is to contribute to the formation of policies and decisions in the fields of social security, labor economics, and health economics, as well as to support scientific research and publications that promote professional development.
The scope of the Journal of Social Insurance includes scientific research, articles, critiques, and review writings primarily in the field of social security, as well as related areas such as labor economics, occupational health, actuarial science, social insurance, health economics, and social policy.
1. Journal of Social Insurance is published twice in a year in the months of January and August as a “Peer-Reviewed Journal”. The journal’s languages are Turkish and English.
2. The journal accepts articles in the fields of social politics, social security, actuary sciences, labour and social security law, labour economics, labour sociology, employment, health politics, health economy, labour culture and social security, social assistance, income distribution and other disciplines related to social security.
3. The articles which are sent to the journal must not be published before or must not to be sent for publishing in another publication.
4. Article acceptance dates: For January volume, it is two months from the beginning of July; for July volume, it is two months from the beginning of January.
5. The articles are evaluated at three steps. These steps are pre-evaluation, peer-reviewing and final evaluation.
6. The articles are pre-evaluated by Publication Board in terms of relevancy of academic fields of the Journal.
7. The articles which passed from the pre-evaluation step are evaluated by a double-blinded evaluation method in two months. (Name(s) of the author(s) are removed from the text and the articles are sent to related peer-reviewers. The author(s) are not informed about which peer-reviewers their articles sent to.)
8. Justification of the articles which are evaluated as not suitable for the journal are sent back to the author(s) by editors and they are informed peer-reviewers’ evaluation.
9. The articles which are approved by peer-reviewers are sent to the author(s) to correct error of facts if there is any.
10. The articles which need to be revised according to peer-reviewers’ reports are sent back to the author(s). After correcting by the author(s), the articles’ new editions are sent back to Publication Board in two weeks. The second evaluation is made by peer- reviewers and final evaluations of the articles are made in one month. If any difference of opinion occurs between two peer-reviewers, third evaluation is made by a third peer-reviewer or Publication Board decision.
11. At the final evaluation step, the articles are sent in one week after correcting error of facts. All the responsibility belongs to related author(s) about grammar and misspelling except erratum.
12. If the articles are accepted for publishing, all the publishing rights including publishing full text electronically transfers to Association of Social Security Experts. The copyrights of the articles are accounted of transferring to Association of Social Security Experts; also a specific royalty is not paid to the author(s).
13. The author(s) must mention their entitles, their institutions, contacts addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses with a cover page which will be added to the starting of articles.
14. Sample format of articles can be reached from the website If there is any requirements missing in the Publication Principles in here, the sample format of articles must be considered. Every article must meet the format requirements.
15. The articles in Turkish language must be written according to the Turkish Language Association’s (TDK) Spelling Manual.
16. The articles must be written according to the rules below:
Articles must be written in order of abstract, keywords, introduction, text (content), conclusion and bibliography. The abstract part of the articles must be minimum 100 and maximum 300 words. The abstract part must contain the article’s name (headline) in Turkish and/or English. The abstract must be written in Microsoft Word Times New Roman font style with 11 font size.
There must be maximum 5 keywords.
Headline: The headline of the article must be written in Microsoft Word Times New Roman font style with 11 bold font size.
Name of the Author(s): The name(s) of the author(s) must be written in Microsoft Word Times New Roman font style with 11 bold font size and left aligned, the surname(s) must be written in capital letters. Institution/ title of the author (s) and the university of which the author (s) is (are) student must be written with 10 font size below the surname(s) of the author(s)
Text: The text must not exceed 8000 words, must be typed to A5 size, with 1,5 row pitch and a blank must be left of 2,5 cm from up, 2,5 cm from down, 2,5 cm from right and 3 cm from left. Sub-headlines must be written in Microsoft Word Times New Roman font style with 11 bold font size and must be left-aligned. The articles which are accepted for publishing must be written in Microsoft Word Times New Roman font style with 11 font size and must be uploaded to DergiPark web site.
Tables and Graphs: The explanation of tables and graphs must be written italic and 11 font size. Tables must be centred.
References: References in the articles must be prepared according to the American Pyschological Associaton (APA).
The Journal of Social Insurance adheres to the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive of Higher Education Institutions, as well as the ethical publishing principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
All submitted articles must not have been previously published in another journal or be under review elsewhere. Each article is initially sent to two reviewers through a double-blind peer-review process. If one reviewer provides a negative opinion on the article, a third reviewer’s opinion is sought.
Plagiarism, copyright infringement, and the concealment of conflicts of interest are considered unethical behaviors.
All articles that do not comply with accepted ethical standards are withdrawn from publication. This includes articles identified as violating the rules or containing irregularities even after publication.
The responsibility for ensuring compliance with ethical rules lies with the authors.
In articles with multiple authors, all authors must have made a scientific contribution to the article.
If an author identifies a significant error or inaccuracy in their published article, they must contact the editor to correct the error.
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